My best friend

Deutsche Version

The last few days were kinda boring because I am a bit afraid to get out of the house. The reason? It is just the nice weather. The sun has been shining for at least 5 days in a row now and I don't like this firy ball of gas. I would probably need Sun cream 3000 if i'd make just one step in front of the door. But today something really strange and for you the living really funny happened.
When I was waking up this morning I suddenly realized that I smell like a dog. I went to the shower and started to rub shower gel all over my former strong body. When I was scratching my cock the worst case happened. My penis peeled away from my nether regions. I was actually holding my DICK in my left hand.
I hope you can understand that I started to scream. I really freaked out because it is just not funny to hold the most important part of your body when it is separated. Thank god my sister is a sewer in a factory that manifactures trousers. So she could sew my donky dick right onto my body.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this nice little story about me and my best friend. Now I can laugh about this story but at the very first time I was terryfied.
Sincer :)

When there's no more room in hell, the dead shall walk the earth.

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My best friend
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